Frequently asked questions.

How soon should we book an Officiant?

Your wedding Officiant is the only aspect of your wedding day you must have in order to make it a legal marriage. No other service provider is legally required. As soon as you have arranged your venue, you should book your Officiant.

What documents do I need to get married?

You need to fill out and submit the Marriage Application Form 3 (click here).

Bring 2 pieces of government-issued identification for each person getting married to your local municipality (find your local municipality here).

One piece of identification must include your photo. Once you receive your marriage license you have 90 days from the date of issue to perform the ceremony. A marriage license is legally required for the wedding ceremony to proceed.

Can we write our own vows?

Yes, for the Personalized Wedding Ceremony. However, there is specific legal wording which would have to be included so I would obviously review it for you in advance to ensure that your marriage will be legal. The Elopement Wedding Ceremony does not allow you to write your own ceremony.

Can we have friends and family participate in the ceremony?

For the Personalized Wedding Ceremony, absolutely. The Marriage Act stipulates that the licensed Officiant must perform certain aspects of the ceremony. Other than that, others are welcome to participate in the ceremony. The Elopement Wedding Ceremony does not allow for the participation of others.

Can we review the ceremony ahead of time?

Yes. The Personalized Wedding Ceremony is one that we will create together and receive your approval. The Elopement Wedding Ceremony can be seen ahead of time, but does not allow changes to the ceremony.

Is a wedding rehearsal necessary?

It’s not necessary but recommended for the Personalized Wedding Ceremony, to ensure that all things go smoothly.

Does it matter where the ceremony takes place?

No. The venue is completely up to you whether it’s in a living room or a large banquet hall. An outdoor venue should always have an alternate rain plan. If the venue is located outside of the City of Toronto, an additional travel fee will be charged.

Can we tentatively book you until we confirm our date and venue?

A tentative booking will be held unless another booking with a deposit is made. A $100 deposit will hold your booking. If a deposit is made and the date changes, I will gladly make the accommodation assuming I am available on the alternate date.

Do you do quick “Elopements”?

Yes, as long as I am available and the necessary marriage license is supplied.

Do you have a backup option in case you can't make it?

Yes. The Ontario Humanist Society has a number of qualified licensed Officiants who are willing to step in the highly unlikely event I am not able to officiate.

How do we book you as our Officiant?

Use the contact page to get in touch. Once the date is confirmed and I am available, I will send you an agreement form to sign outlining expectations and responsibilities. You can ask any questions you wish about the agreement before signing. A $100 deposit is required with the signed agreement.

Are there any extra or hidden fees?

There are no hidden fees except for travel fees outside the City of Toronto (see above) and all prices include tax.